
Jennifer Sara

Global Director, Water Global Practice, World Bank

Jennifer Sara is the Global Director for the World Bank Group’s Water Global Practice.  Ms Sara has 30 years of experience working on global water issues in the World Bank, with previous assignments including as Sector Manager for Sustainable Development based in Hanoi, Vietnam (2010 – 2014); Sector Leader in Brasilia (2006 – 2010), assignments based in Washington as Lead Specialist covering Latin America & the Caribbean, and Senior Specialist in Africa (1995 – 2005) as well as working for the Water and Sanitation Program in Bolivia (1990 – 1995).

In her current assignment, Ms Sara is a core member of the GP’s senior management team, which drives the policy direction of the GP, oversees a portfolio of $25 billion in water-related investments, analytical work, multi-donor trust funds and global partnerships. Ms Sara supports an integrated approach to water security and service delivery, customizing the Bank’s global water strategy to the country dialogue, and providing policy advice and operational support in response to specific client needs. She holds an MSc in Environmental Management from the University of London, Wye College, and a BSc in Environmental Engineering from Brown University.

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Partners Organizations

The conference debates and results will contribute to achieving the objectives of the thematic areas – “Groundwater in a Changing Environment” and “Education Key to Water Security” – of the 8th phase of the UNESCO IHP programme on “Water Security: Responses to Local, Regional, and Global Challenges.