Omar Elhassan
Environmental Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) and Water Management Expert working in the Land and Water Division at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
As a plant and environmental soil scientist from Texas A&M University, Omar develops projects addressing the environmental dimensions of AMR in a cross-sectoral and One Health context and integrated water resources management approaches that recognize the intrinsic role of water in protecting human, animal and ecosystem health. His current areas of work involve strengthening global food safety through improved water quality control systems and strengthening capacity and actions on environment within AMR National Action Plans, sector policy and global partnership as part of a multi-organization cross-sectoral One Health Approach.
Partners Organizations
The conference debates and results will contribute to achieving the objectives of the thematic areas – “Groundwater in a Changing Environment” and “Education Key to Water Security” – of the 8th phase of the UNESCO IHP programme on “Water Security: Responses to Local, Regional, and Global Challenges.