
Stefano Burchi

Chairman, International Association for Water Law (AIDA)

Stefano Burchi is an expert in comparative and international freshwater law. He holds law degrees from La Sapienza University of Rome and from Harvard Law School. He has made a career in the Development Law Service of the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization. Since retiring from FAO, Mr. Burchi has taken up a variety of water law consultancies, and has also assumed the chairmanship of the International Association for Water Law (AIDA). He is the author of numerous published articles and publications on the law of freshwater resources.

Partners Organizations

The conference debates and results will contribute to achieving the objectives of the thematic areas – “Groundwater in a Changing Environment” and “Education Key to Water Security” – of the 8th phase of the UNESCO IHP programme on “Water Security: Responses to Local, Regional, and Global Challenges.