Benjamin Kiersch
FAO Land and Water Development Division
Benjamin Kiersch is global coordinator of the project “‘Knowing water better: Towards fairer and more sustainable access to natural resources for greater food security – KnoWat” with the FAO Land and Water Development Division. He started his career in FAO as an associate professional officer in 1999. His main topics are water and land resources management and governance. Benjamin has experience in leading and designing technical assistance programmes, as well as coordinating policy dialogues, for international organizations and institutions for bilateral development cooperation. During seven years, he served as land and water officer in FAO’s Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean in Chile. He also worked as Senior Project Manager for adelphi consult in Germany, and as consultant for the German Cooperation for International Development (GIZ). He holds a degree in environmental engineering from the Technical University of Berlin with post-graduate training in development studies at the German Development Institute.
Partners Organizations
The conference debates and results will contribute to achieving the objectives of the thematic areas – “Groundwater in a Changing Environment” and “Education Key to Water Security” – of the 8th phase of the UNESCO IHP programme on “Water Security: Responses to Local, Regional, and Global Challenges.