Damien Serre
University of French Polynesia
Damien Serre is Professor at the University of French Polynesia and director of the UMR 241 EIO (Pacific Island Ecosystems). He is leading research in the area of resilience to risks and climate change with a special focus on resilience assessment, critical infrastructure management, spatial decision support systems to optimize resilience to different types of risks. He chaired or co-chaired many international tracks or session in his area of expertise e.g. the EGU General Assembly in Vienna in 2009, 2010, 2017 and 2018 as well as FLOODRISK 2016 International Conference in Lyon in 2016 (Disaster risk and recovery session). He is editor of the Journal of Water and Climate Change (IWA), editor of the journal Urban Risk Studies (ISTE) and member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Flood Risk Management (Wiley).